

Don't you hate those days that just...well SUCK! I have been passed out on my couch most of the day sick. Talk about an ever exicting day with plenty to do. Of course I have work that needs to be done so I skip class sick. Wonderful!

On top of all that my parents are gone for the weekend so I am stuck with the animals. They aren't bad animals just need a little training.

So an update to my thesis...oh wait I don't have one. I think I have a chair but it is still up in the air.

Does anyone have a job they don't want because I deffiently need one. I will take it if I can work 10 hours and make a $100 or I can work 20 hours and get pd $8per hr. At least something comparable in the middle will do.

I can't believe I am still up. I am so tired but it feels weird to be here alone. It is probably just because I am sick. Maybe I can get some work done tomorrow since I will be alone all day.

Another day done and not any closer to completing anything.


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