
Dentists: Good or Evil?

Okay Dentists are not evil but they can deffiently feel that way when you are sitting in their chairs. So this weekend, I had a tooth extracted (Pulled out). Then I had complications so I had to go back! Hopefully, I do not have to go back again.

The joy of the whole thing was that I was completely numb most of Friday and I had to present a professional paper that night at a conference.

Part of my tooth was still left in so I had to go back which was even more painful!

Okay Gotta Go kids life is still moving.


Insanity is coming

So the chaos of my thesis is finally semi-settled. I have a chair and 1st reader no questions. The problem now is who will be my 2nd reader. This will be the fun part.

On top of all that I am still trying to get a job. At this point I am not too picky. I am just trying to find something to pay my bills..I think realistically. Now, all I can do is sit back and wait to see what opens up or shuts in my face.

The life of the poor college student!