

Don't you hate those days that just...well SUCK! I have been passed out on my couch most of the day sick. Talk about an ever exicting day with plenty to do. Of course I have work that needs to be done so I skip class sick. Wonderful!

On top of all that my parents are gone for the weekend so I am stuck with the animals. They aren't bad animals just need a little training.

So an update to my thesis...oh wait I don't have one. I think I have a chair but it is still up in the air.

Does anyone have a job they don't want because I deffiently need one. I will take it if I can work 10 hours and make a $100 or I can work 20 hours and get pd $8per hr. At least something comparable in the middle will do.

I can't believe I am still up. I am so tired but it feels weird to be here alone. It is probably just because I am sick. Maybe I can get some work done tomorrow since I will be alone all day.

Another day done and not any closer to completing anything.


Death to the Thesis

So, once again I am left trying to figure what on earth I am doing. My whole thesis is somewhere between partially completed and nothing. My chair may or maynot have stepped down. I still only have one reader. Surprise, I still have not found a 2nd reader. This project is going extremely well if I say so. To bad a person could not notice how thick the sarcasm is. I guess it is time for me to take over and just do the best I can until I can find my committe.


The Pile is Getting Bigger as Opposed to Smaller

I feel so far behind on work and yet I am not really behind. I am drastically behind where I should be on my thesis but that in itself is it own story. Iam so tired and yet I sleep for 10+hrs at a time. Maybe I am getting sick. No, no I refuse to allow myself to get sick. If I had time to be sick, I would have my thesis done already.

I am trying desperatly to get a job. Not just any job but something that is not retail, food related, or menial labor. I refuse (if I can get away from it) to do any of those jobs again. As I say that the reality is I will probably have to choose a job from the list until I graduate, again.


One Week and a Few Days Left

In a week from Saturday, my thesis has to be approved and I still do not have a full committee yet. This is slightly depressing since I have no idea what is going on. *Sigh*

Have you ever noticed the days when you try to get the most work done is the days the most work does NOT get done! Well now you know what I was suppose to do this past weekend. Friday it was all about Dennis and a job application. Saturday it was Heather. And Sunday was dedicated to my couch and sleeping. But I serisouly planned it not to be that way. Maybe today will be the day I get work done. We'll see! As for right now I am off to class to see if I know anything yet.


My Life as a Drone

Everyday I realize how much of a drone I really am. I am now currently on the need a decent job hunt. *Sigh* I need money to survive but I can't work a lot b/c of classes. The endless cycle continues once more.

At least I have accomplished something on my thesis even though I still do not have my committee. I have to actually write on my thesis now. At least, I do have a better idea where I am going.


Teens are Amazing

So, I work with the teens at my church. So one of the teens, Rebekkah, decided she wanted to help the victim's of Hurricane Katrina. She wants to collect stuff animals to give to the victims for Christmas to make sure they have at least present this year. She is calling the project Kuddlez for Kidz. I am helping her with the planning of it. The details such as how, what, where, when.....the fun part. If anyone has suggestions please let me know.

Back to my thesis. I finally have a mefmber of my committee. I have my first reader *YEAH*. Now, I just need my chair and I will be all set. *Sigh* and the search continues once again.


Life of the Master's Thesis

I am currently writing my Master's Thesis. My topic is Im and Adolescents: how they create their identity through Im. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to get a chair for my committee which hopefully within the next few days will be finialized.

All I do is write and write and did I mention I write a lot. I am researching, writing, re-writing, and re-researching.

Life is grand....will someone make it stop.